
Image & Barcode Scan.

Save valuable time in logistics

In your warehouse, goods receipt and / or identification of individual parts is done via long article numbers that are entered into a system by hand? You find this whole process too uncomfortable and tedious?

Optimize your goods receipt or the processing of articles / shipments by scanning Quick Response (QR) codes, barcodes or by intelligent image recognition. Train your individual application to recognize relevant image content with your own data and thus use the latest technology. Barcode scanners that can use an iPhone or Android device as a base are now available from numerous manufacturers. Have your individual app developed that uses this hardware to take the processes in your logistics to a new level. By combining scanned goods and the data stored in the administration, a measurable acceleration and reduction of errors in processing can be achieved.

We have already implemented various scanning projects. Image recognition of relevant content can now be done directly on the device without an Internet connection. Please contact us! We will be happy to help you.

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